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Spring flowering trees in the parking lot of the Tenafy Public Library.


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Circulation Policy
  • ​New books 2 weeks

  • Other books 4 weeks

  • Magazines 2 weeks

  • Music CDs 2 weeks

  • Audiobooks 4 weeks

  • DVDs & Blu-rays 2 weeks

  • New popular titles on DVD & Blu-ray 1 week


Overdue fines are $0.10 per day/per item up to a $5 maximum per item except for DVDs and Blu-rays which are $0.50  per day per DVD or Blu-ray up to a $5 maximum per DVD for Tenafly owned items.


Loan periods and overdue fines for items borrowed from BCCLS member libraries vary by library.


Library materials may be reserved or renewed (if not on reserve for another patron) online (with a password obtainable at the Service Desk), in person or by phone. Patrons with $10.00 or more in fines on their record will not be able to check-out or renew items.


BCCLS Auto Renew Policy

Items checked out to you will automatically renew unless

  • someone has placed a request (hold) for an item checked out to you item

  • you have already renewed them the maximum number of times - 1 renewal for new items, 2 renewals for older items

  • you have accrued fines of $10 or more

  • your card is expired or is about to expire

  • you have books that are long overdue


If you have chosen to be notificed by email or text:

(patrons with phone notification do not receive notice of automatic renewal)

When auto renew takes place, you will receive an email and/or text message that indicates item due dates. Please read carefully.  Even if you see your items have more "potential renewals", you should plan to return items by the due date listed in your auto renew message.  Please contact the library Circulation Department at 201-568-8680 if you have any questions about when your items should be returned.


Sign up for email or text notifications to easily keep track of due dates.

Call or stop by the library to change your notification preferences.​


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Library Card

Library Card - Library Account

​A valid BCCLS library card must be presented in order to borrow or renew materials, pay fines, check library records or place requests for materials. 


Proof of a library account includes:

  • physical card issued by a BCCLS library

  • current photo ID (staff must have patron verbally verify address if not displayed on ID)

  • digital representation of the card

  • card stored on loyalty card app

  • library app or self-checkout app


The library card is free with valid proof of Tenafly residency. Each family member (age 5 and up) should have his/her own library card. Children are issued a card under the authority of their parent or legal guardian who must present valid identification. The child must be present at the time of registration. Tenafly High School students who present a current Tenafly High School photo ID plus one additional form of ID confirming their Tenafly residency do not need a parent or legal guardian to register for a library card. The parent/guardian is responsible for all materials checked out on the child's card and for all fines and replacement costs incurred by the child.


The replacement fee for a lost card is $3.00.


Courtesy Cards

Courtesy cards are issued to individuals who work, go to school, or temporarily reside in Tenafly. Courtesy cards are also issued to Alpine residents for a fee of $125 per card per year payable to the Borough of Tenafly. (Alpine residents who work or attend school in Tenafly do not pay the fee.) Courtesy cards allow access to Tenafly Public Library materials only (with the exception of museum passes and eBCCLS items) and are valid for one year from the date of registration. Courtesy cards will not be issued to those who already have a card from another BCCLS library. 


Temporary Residents

Temporary Tenafly residents, including live-in employees, must present a valid photo ID and proof of temporary residency in Tenafly. Temporary residents will be entitled to courtesy cards with a maximum term of one year (determined by duration of residency).  Temporary residents may have only one BCCLS account in the system at any time. 


Approved 10/21/19


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Internet Policy

Internet Access

  • ​Users must register to use the Internet at the Envisionware Reservation terminal.

  • A valid BCCLS library card is required to reserve an Internet session. Guest cards are available at the Reference Desk.

  • Internet sessions are limited to a total of 60 minutes per day.

  • Downloading is not permitted.

  • Registering other than for the current day is not permitted.

  • Printing costs: First page is free. After that black and white printing is $0.10 per page and color printing is $0.30 per page.

  • The Library reserves the right to terminate an Internet session at any time. The Library can do this if Internet searching results in user behavior that is inappropriate for a library setting.

  • ​

    As technology advances and; the needs of Tenafly evolve, the Tenafly Public Library endeavors to develop services that meet the informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs of its users.


    Internet access is available on PCs managed by Envisionware software. Access to the Internet is compatible with the Library's endorsement of the Library Bill of Rights; the Freedom to Read Statement; the Freedom to View; Access to Electronic Information Services and Networks; and with the policies, goals and objectives of this public library.


    The Internet allows users to connect to networks of resources outside of the Library. The Tenafly Public Library has no control over these resources nor does it have complete knowledge of what is on the Internet. The Tenafly Public Library does not warrant the information available through its Internet connections to be accurate, factual, timely or useful, and does not endorse the content of the networked information available. The Tenafly Public Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for the content of the networked information available through its Internet connections.


    The Tenafly Public Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, such as viruses direct or indirect, arising from use of its electronic services, or from its connections to other Internet services through our provider. Library users access the Internet at their own discretion. As with other library materials, the restriction of a child's access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. With regard to children and teenagers, we recommend that parents and caregivers take an active interest in, and responsibility for their children's online use. While young people need a certain amount of privacy, they also need parental involvement and supervision in their daily lives. The same general skills that apply to daily life apply while online.


    It is not acceptable to use the Internet at the Tenafly Public Library for purposes contrary to state or federal laws. It is not acceptable to use the Internet at the Tenafly Public Library so as to interfere with or disrupt other users, services or equipment. This includes, but is not limited to, distribution of unsolicited advertising, so-called chain letters, "spamming," or sending an unsolicited large number of lists, propagation of computer worms and viruses, hacking, transmitting threatening, harassing or abusive language and images or any attempt whatsoever to go to superuser status. Such activities may result in loss of Library privileges and criminal prosecution. Use of the Tenafly Public Library Internet connections is intended for private, non-commercial activities, and does not permit unauthorized sales and marketing of products or services.


    It is assumed that information and resources accessible through the Tenafly Public Library Internet connections are private to the individuals and organizations which own or hold rights to such resources and information, unless it is specifically stated otherwise by these owners or holders of rights. In particular, it is important to respect the legal protection that is provided by copyright and licenses to programs and data.


    Library staff will assist patrons with Internet use as time permits, but cannot offer personal instruction. 


    Some or all of the resources may be unavailable for technical reasons over which the Tenafly Public Library has no control.


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    Wireless Network

    Wireless Internet Access

  • Wireless Internet access is available to patrons in all public areas of the Library. Bring your laptop, find a chair or table and enjoy this public service. ​

  • Wireless network shuts down 15 minutes before closing.​

  • Limitation and Disclaimer: The Library's wireless network is not secure. Information sent to and from your laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software. Library staff members are not able to provide technical assistance and no guarantee can be provided that you will be able to make a wireless connection. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for laptop configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library's network.

  • ​

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    Museum Passes

    Museum Pass Program

    • The Museum Pass Program is open to Tenafly residents with a valid Tenafly Public Library card in good standing. You must present your Tenafly Public Library card at the Service Desk to check out a pick up/return museum pass.


    • Only one museum pass may be checked out per library account at any given time. 


    • Loan period for pick up/return passes: Two (2) days. NO renewals. NO EXCEPTIONS.


    • Daily overdue fine for pick up/return passes: $25.00 per day. NO fines waived. NO EXCEPTIONS.


    • Maximum overdue fine for pick up/return passes: Cost of museum membership to the Tenafly Public Library (Varies from $250.00 upwards. See replacement cost on case.)


    • Lost/stolen membership card fee for pick up/return passes: Fee charged to the Tenafly Public Library by the Museum PLUS a $25.00 processing fee IF reported on or before museum pass due date. Overdue fines continue to accrue @ $25.00 per day until loss/theft is reported to the Library PLUS the $25.00 processing fee.


    • Lost case fee for pick up/return passses: $25.00


    • Pick up/return passes must be returned to the Tenafly Public Library Service Desk in the case BEFORE closing time on the due date. DO NOT return a museum pass in the book drop. DO NOT return the pass to another library.

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    Room Use Policy

    Room Use

    The McCandless Room schedule is managed by the Borough with few Library events held there. Since this is the case, it is appropriate for the Borough to address your request. 


    The Library does not sponsor commercial, political, religious or private events. It is not the Library's practice to sponsor open political meetings.


    Library programs - almost all of which are presented in the Library itself - are musical, book talks, poetry readings, travel slideshows, children's programs and artist receptions.


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    Patron Conduct

    Patron Conduct

    ​The Tenafly Public Library (“Library”) Patron Conduct Policy has been established to promote a welcoming and safe atmosphere for all. The policy is intended to ensure every individual’s ability to make use of the Library and its associated resources to the fullest extent possible and to have reasonable access to Library facilities without interference. The policy cannot anticipate every possible event or situation; therefore, staff members are empowered to act and make decisions based on this policy.


    The use of Library facilities and resources constitutes acceptance of this policy. Library patrons shall be engaged solely in activities associated with the use of a community library while in the Library (e.g., reading, studying, accessing library materials or services, attending programs or events, etc.)


    The Role of Library Staff

    The Library staff has the right to a safe and respectful work environment. Patrons are expected to comply with requests from Library staff. Patrons that disregard staff requests, interfere with their performance of duties, or demonstrate hostile or aggressive behavior will be asked to leave the Library.

    Library employees are pleased to help patrons use library resources, but library staff may not interpret, provide guidance, or complete documents for patrons. Patrons who need assistance completing a document due to uncertainty of the content are welcome to ask librarians for help locating instructions or contact information for assistance. Library employees are not permitted to provide legal or medical advice.

    Library employees do not act in loco parentis and do not provide supervision of children. The Library assumes no responsibility for unattended minors.


    Children in the Library

    Parents or guardians are responsible for the welfare and behavior of their children under the age of eighteen (18) while in the Library, regardless of whether or not they accompany those children. Minors aged eleven to seventeen (11 to 17) are permitted to use the Library unaccompanied by a parent or guardian; however, it is with the understanding that these minors
    are unsupervised. Library staff do not stand in place of a parent or guardian and are not charged with a parent’s or guardian’s rights, duties and responsibilities.

    Children under the age of eleven (11) must have an adult caregiver in the library building at all times. Children under the age of eight (8) must be directly and actively supervised by an adult caregiver at all times. A library employee may not stand in for the aforementioned adult caregiver. Children under age eleven (11) in the Library without an adult will be requested to call

    their parent or guardian to pick them up or chaperone them while in the Library. If the parent or guardian cannot be reached, the children will be walked to the police station.

    Disruptive Conduct

    Disruptive conduct, which includes any behavior that interferes with the normal functioning of the Library, is not tolerated. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to:


    • Stealing, damaging, defacing, altering, misusing and/or unlawfully removing Library materials, equipment, installations and/or furnishings

    • Possessing firearms and/or dangerous weapons of any type on Library property, with the exception of law enforcement officers authorized by law to do so

    • Yelling or making any exceptionally loud noises that disturb others

    • Running, pushing, shoving, and/or throwing any item

    • Making derogatory comments or prominently displaying offensive content based on religion, race, gender and/or sexual orientation

    • Using sports equipment, skateboards or any other skating devices in the Library

    • Bringing bicycles, scooters or any other vehicles into the library

    • Bringing in meals, messy food (anything that can drip grease, sauce, fillings, condiments, etc.), uncovered beverages, or having food delivered to the Library; only wrapped snacks and covered beverages are permitted

    • Neglecting to dispose of trash and/or clean messes

    • Gambling

    • Trespassing in non-public areas of the Library

    • Being in the Library without permission from an authorized Library employee before or after Library operating hours

    • Recording Library patrons without their consent or recording staff-only areas of the Library

    • Using or being under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs and/or any controlled or contraband substance

    • Smoking, vaping and/or using any tobacco, tobacco products, marijuana, electronic cigarettes or electronic cigarette products in the Library

    • Using restrooms for unconventional purposes, such as, but not limited to, meetings, loitering, bathing, shampooing, sleeping, doing laundry or changing clothes

    • Entering the Library without shoes or without a shirt

    • Bringing in garbage, empty bottles, articles with a foul odor, or articles which, alone or in their aggregate, impede and/or interfere with the use of the Library by others

    • Neglecting to provide active supervision of children under the age of eight (8)

    • Unreasonably interfering with Library staff or other patrons, including but not limited to blocking access to public and non-public areas and failing to comply with Library staff requests or instructions

    • Engaging in lewd, obscene or salacious conduct or conduct of a purely prurient nature

    • Engaging in any activity in violation of federal, state, local or other applicable law or Library policy


    Enforcement of the Patron Conduct Policy

    For the purposes of identification, Library staff may request that patrons provide proof of identity (e.g., driver’s license, school ID, etc.) at any time.


    The Library reserves the right to inspect all bags, purses, briefcases, backpacks, etc.


    Library staff have the authority to interpret and enforce the Patron Conduct Policy. Library staff will inform patrons if they are violating the Patron Conduct Policy and may warn them that continued violation will result in loss of privileges. Staff have the right to ask patrons to leave the Library if they are uncooperative, combative, hostile, or argumentative.


    Repeated violations of this policy will result in expulsion for the day or longer depending on the nature of the violations. Continued violations will result in a six-month ban and may result in a permanent ban. The Library Director reserves the right to immediately eject and ban a patron who is dangerous or in any way threatening.


    The Library may pursue all available remedies under federal, state, or local law where applicable.


    A banned patron has the right to appeal the decision by writing to the Library Board of Trustees. Appeal Process

    A patron who has been banned may choose to appeal the decision by writing to the Board of Trustees, c/o Tenafly Public Library, 100 Riveredge Road, Tenafly, NJ 07670. The decision of the Board of Trustees will be final. The ban will continue during the appeal process.


    Approved June 2024


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    Homebound Delivery

    Homebound Delivery


    Any person residing in the Borough of Tenafly who is unable to come to the library because of limited mobility, illness, or disability is eligible for homebound delivery. Homebound status may be permanent or temporary. A doctor’s note is not required; eligibility will be established when a librarian conducts a phone or in-person interview with the interested patron. A homebound patron who does not yet have a library card must obtain one by providing proof of residence within the Borough of Tenafly.


    Once homebound status has been established, the patron may call the Reference Department to request specific titles or to ask a librarian to select titles based on his or her interest. The librarian will procure the requested items and prepare them for delivery.  Homebound delivery is limited to items owned by the Tenafly Library.



    Library materials will be delivered to the homebound patron’s residence by a library volunteer. A delivery schedule will be established based on volunteer availability, but patrons may call the Reference Department to request service any time. Volunteers will deliver and pick up items at the patron’s front door only without entering the home.


    Items will be picked up after the loan period has ended, depending on volunteer availability. Overdue notices will be mailed or emailed directly to the homebound patron. Homebound patrons will not be charged overdue fines, but they are responsible for the cost of lost or damaged materials. Homebound patrons may check out up to 10 items at a time. This service can be suspended or canceled if materials are not returned in a timely manner.


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    Laptop Lending

    Laptop Lending

    ​Check Out Procedure

    • Customer must be 16 years of age or older and present a valid Tenafly Public Library card in good standing and a valid government-issued photo ID or Tenafly High School ID to check out a laptop. (ID will be kept at the Service Desk until the laptop is returned)


    • Library card must have been issued at least 30 days prior to checking out a laptop


    • Laptops are for IN LIBRARY USE ONLY


    Loan Periods and Use Procedures​

    • Laptops are checked out without chargers and must be returned when laptop needs charging or 30 minutes prior to library closing.


    • Patrons can check out one more laptop for the same duration once the previous laptop has been returned


    • Laptops cannot be reserved and there may be times when the laptops are unavailable due to library programming


    • No laptops can be borrowed less than 30 minutes prior to the Library closing


    • If you see a problem with the laptop either in its condition or in its operation, or if something happens while you are using it, tell the Circulation staff immediately in order to avoid being held liable


    • Work will not be saved, you must use a USB device to save your work or email it to yourself


    Security Issues

    • Do not leave the laptop unattended or loan it to another person. You are responsible for loss while the laptop is checked out to you.


    • Laptops can easily be damaged by impact. Users should be extremely careful with them.


    • Laptops should never be removed from the library for any reason. (Ex: If the building is evacuated, the laptop must be immediately returned to the Circulation Desk).


    • Do not tamper with the security features or attempt to install personal software.


    • No user files or downloads will be retained on the hard drive.


    • Use of the laptop is at the patron's own risk. The patron is responsible for deleting any personal information they entered while using the laptop. We DO NOT recommend using the laptop for personal, financial, medical, or legal matters.


    Returning a Laptop

    • All laptops must be returned to the Circulation Desk.


    • Laptops must be returned in the same condition as received: if returned damaged or laptop is lost, customer agrees to pay for any repairs or the full replacement cost of the laptop.


    • All components must be returned together (laptop, mouse, etc.)​


    • Questions about this service may be redirected to the Circulation Desk or Reference staff

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    Notary Public Service

    Notary Public

    ​Notary Public Service is available as a courtesy to Tenafly Residents.  Others may use the service at a fee of $2.50 (cash only) per signature (Notary Seal). Notary Services are generally available on weekdays and some Saturdays, but those requiring such services are strongly encouraged to call ahead and make an appointment.


    State of New Jersey Notarial Requirements 

    • The notary must be presented with valid official photo identification. (A current driver’s license or passport is recommended.)


    • The document requiring notarization must not be signed or dated ahead of time. The notary is required by law to witness the document signing.


    • The notary is not permitted to give any type of legal advice and is merely certifying signatures.

    • The library does not supply witnesses. Witnesses must accompany the person whose document is notarized. Witnesses will also need proper identification. Notary cannot act as a witness.

    • The Library provides only basic notary services. Notary service is not available for wills, living wills, living trusts or codicils.


    • New Jersey State Law prohibits notaries from certifying copies of original documents. This includes passports and birth certificates. Certified copies of publicly recorded documents must be obtained from the issuing authorities.


    • Documents in any language other than English will not be notarized at the Library. 


    • The notary and the customer seeking notarization must be able to communicate with each other without using a translator.


    • In accordance with New Jersey State Law, notaries reserve the right to decline service if the document(s), identification or circumstances of the request raise any issue of authenticity, ambiguity or doubt for the Library.


    Approved 10/21/2019, Revised 2/29/2022


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    Program Development

    Program Development Policy

    Programming Definition and Objectives

    The Tenafly Public Library (“the Library”) defines a program as an activity or event in a group setting, developed to meet the educational, social, recreational, cultural, or informational needs of an anticipated audience in the community. A program is initiated, planned, conducted or co-sponsored by Library staff. Programs may include, but will not be limited to, lectures, forums, visual and performance art, interactive classes or workshops, continuing education, fairs, discussion groups, technology programs, storytimes, class visits, library tours, community outreach, exhibits, and presentations. Programs can take place in the Library, off-site, or virtually. Programs can be a single event, a short series, or continuously recurring.


    Library programs are designed to:


    • Create community connections

    • Introduce patrons and non-users to Library resources and services

    • Broaden the Library’s reach and recognition

    • Provide lifelong learning opportunities

    • Offer equitable access to music, art, and culture

    • Offer context or expand knowledge of current events and timely topics



    The Tenafly Public Library Board of Trustees, composed of members of the community, is the governing body of the Library and determines the strategic framework for program development. The Library Director makes program development decisions in accordance with the policies set by the Board of Trustees. Program planning and facilitating is delegated to staff members based on their job responsibilities and areas of expertise. Programming staff members are guided by this policy and use professional skills, collections, and feedback from the community in planning and delivering Library programs.

    Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement of the content of the program or the views expressed by participants, and program topics, speakers, and resources are not excluded from programs because of possible controversy.

    Funding / Fundraising

    The Library receives funding for library programs in a variety of ways, including support from charitable organizations that support the Library. The Library may also partner with other institutions, organizations, or individuals who have received funding to offer Library programs. All Library programs, regardless of the source of funding, are subject to this policy. Library programs are open to the public and usually offered free of charge. At the discretion of the Library, a fee may be applied to programs and goods that benefit the Library, including book sales, and other types of fundraising.


    Library programs are non-commercial in nature. Programs are not used for the solicitation of business. Presenters, whether individual or organizational, shall not use a Library program to petition, advertise, or recruit members or customers. While the Library welcomes professional experts to present at its events, Library programs cannot be used to directly further commercial, religious, political, or partisan purposes. Presenters are permitted to have business-related brochures, flyers, or other information available for attendees to pick up if interested, but they may not distribute such materials as part of the event. On occasion, presenters may receive permission to sell their creative works as part of a Library program. Librarians who present programs do so as part of their regular job, and are not hired as outside contractors for programming.

    Library staff may require registration for space purposes; however, presenters are not allowed to implement their own signups or collect contact information from program attendees unless approved by the Library. Attendees may obtain the presenter’s contact information after the program.

    Paid presenters will be compensated after the end of their program or program series.

    Programs sponsored by charitable organizations whose purpose and mission are to support the Library may include the sale of merchandise as a means to fundraise for the benefit the Library. Sale of these works and/or other products at Library programs is not permitted unless authorized by the Library Director or a designee. Presenters who are willing may donate a copy of their work to the Library for possible inclusion in the collection. Their work will be subject to the Library’s Collection Development Policy.


    Criteria for Evaluating Program Proposals from the Public (Unsolicited Program Proposals)

    Unsolicited offers from individuals or organizations to present programs will be considered only if relevant to the purposes of Library programming listed in this policy. Presenters must submit a program proposal in writing and provide three (3) references from prior speaking engagements or performances at public venues, such as schools or libraries. Proposals will be reviewed by Library staff and accepted on a competitive basis. A limited number of proposals may be accepted, with preference given to presenters who are residents of the Borough of Tenafly. Most programs will be accepted as a one-time class or event only. Submitting a program proposal does not guarantee acceptance. The Library reserves the right to decline a program for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to, staffing, budgetary constraints, space, or scheduling. Proposals should be submitted at least six (6) months in advance of the anticipated program date.


    Presenters who desire staff assistance to set up computer and other audiovisual equipment must make the request at the time of the program booking. The request must be finalized ten (10) business days before the start of the program. Staff will assist with the set-up but will not operate audiovisual equipment throughout the program. Performers who include audiovisual equipment must know how to operate it independently or bring an assistant to operate it. They must also arrange for the transportation of equipment; Library staff and Tenafly Borough employees will not transport any equipment or props for outside programs.

    Requests from local authors to perform book talks at the Library will be considered on an individual basis and almost exclusively granted to Tenafly residents. The Library does not compensate authors for unsolicited book offerings or book talks. The Library has the right to decline an author’s book talk request.

    Storytimes are conducted by Library staff or professionals hired by Library staff and/or partner organizations only. On occasion, Library staff may include readings by community helpers such as, but not limited to, firefighters, police, or government officials.


    All Library programs are open to the public, but some meetings and programs may be designed with specific audiences in mind, such as programs intended for children and teens that are geared to their interests and needs. Children’s programs, defined as programs for patrons from birth to age eleven (11), are limited to children and their caregivers. Teen programs, defined as programs for patrons ages twelve to eighteen (12-18), are limited to teens only, except when they require an adult assistant. Family programs, or programs designated “all ages” on the monthly program calendar, are open to everyone. Adult programs exclusively cater to adult interests, but children are only prohibited if stated in the program description. Programs targeted toward specific audiences are to be publicized as such. Decisions concerning an event’s audience, registration, capacity, late arrivals, and allowable walk-ins will be made by the Library staff supervising the event.

    Every attempt will be made to accommodate all who wish to attend a program. However, when safety, cost, or the success of a program requires it, attendance may be limited. Admittance will be determined on a first come, first served basis, either through advance registration, or at the door. The Library reserves the right to deny attendance to anyone becoming disruptive to audience members or the program facilitator, and to anyone in violation of the Library’s Patron Conduct Policy.

    Programs may be canceled for several reasons, including severe weather, absence of the presenter, or low registration. Canceled programs are not automatically rescheduled. When possible, advanced notification of program cancellations will be made on the Library’s online calendar of events and by other appropriate communication channels.

    Intellectual Freedom

    The Library offers a wide variety of materials and programs to support its mission of providing cultural and learning opportunities to all. The Library respects the freedom of information of its users and adheres to the principles expressed in the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read and Freedom to View statements. The Library's goal is to offer a diverse set of ideas and opinions, including those which may be unorthodox or controversial. The Library opposes any attempts by individuals or groups to censor items in its collection or programs it offers.

    Parents and guardians are responsible for overseeing their minor children’s use of the Library’s collections and services. The Library does not stand in place of a parent and is not charged with a parent's rights, duties, and responsibilities. The Library will not act in the role of censor for any age level, material type, or subject matter.

    Process for Reconsideration

    Concerns about programs currently offered at the Library may be expressed by filling out a Request for Reconsideration form available at the circulation desk. Forms may be submitted in writing to the attention of the Library Director either in person, or c/o Tenafly Public Library, 100 Riveredge Road, Tenafly, NJ 07670. Forms may also be emailed to Anonymous submissions will not be considered, nor will submissions from individuals or stakeholders who do not reside in Tenafly. The program will continue as scheduled during the reconsideration process.

    A request for reconsideration will be reviewed by the Library Director or a designee, who will respond in writing to the patron initiating the request. The patron may choose to appeal the decision by writing to the Board of Trustees, c/o Tenafly Public Library. The decision of the Board of Trustees will be final.


    Approved 10/2023


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    Soliciting and Fundraising

    Soliciting and Fundraising Activities on Library Property Policy

    The Tenafly Public Library (“the Library”) prohibits solicitation, advertising, promotion, vending, peddling or product sampling on Library property, as it may interfere with the use or enjoyment of the Library by Library patrons. The Library does not endorse, sponsor or support products, services, persons or groups unless related to library service or management.


    The Library offers a limited public forum for free speech activities. The Library recognizes such activities as a fundamental right protected by the First Amendment; however, individuals may not impede or hinder those entering, exiting and/or using Library facilities. Active distribution, in which a person on site hands out materials, canvasses, solicits or petitions, is not allowed inside the Library, in the front entrance vestibule, or immediately outside of the Library’s front doors. All citizens have a constitutional right to engage in free speech activities on the public sidewalk and other public spaces not controlled by the Library.


    The Library occasionally receives requests to conduct or endorse fundraising events or to provide public space for monetary donation collection boxes. The Library does not sponsor nor endorse the fundraising activities of other organizations, although periodically the Library may cooperate with local community charitable groups or service clubs to support community endeavors.


    The Library also receives requests from organizations to provide public space for bins to collect donated property, such as coats or toys, or goods, such as canned food. The Library does not sponsor nor endorse the donation collection drives of other organizations, even if providing space for those collection drives. To place a donation collection bin in the Library entrance, an established non-profit organization must submit an application to the Library Director along with proof of non-profit status and agree to the following:



    • The bin must be clean and sturdy and fit neatly into the Library’s front entrance vestibule.

    • The bin may not be placed in any part of the Library other than the front entrance

    • vestibule.

    • The bin must be marked with the organization’s name, purpose of collection, and the

    • name and contact number of someone responsible for responding to inquiries from the

    • public.

    • The bin must be removed after the agreed upon time period.

    • The Library has the right to remove the bin if it is not retrieved in a timely manner or has

    • become unsightly.



    The Library has the right to refuse the placement of a bin in the front entrance vestibule. Bulletin board and literature displays (flyers and brochures) are for information about civic, cultural, educational and recreational programs of likely interest to the general community. The Library does not sponsor nor endorse the activities of other organizations. Bulletin board and literature displays are limited to the following:



    • Events and programs sponsored by the Library. Library announcements have priority for

    • the use of bulletin board space.

    • Postings from the Tenafly School District and other local school districts

    • Postings from the Borough of Tenafly and other government agencies

    • Postings from other libraries in the Bergen County area

    • Events of a civic, cultural, informational, or recreational nature held locally and

    • sponsored by non-profit organizations with 501(c)(3) designations. The Library may

    • require proof of an organization’s 501(c)(3) status.



    Posted material will be initialed and dated by staff and removed after the last event date or, if no date is listed, after two (2) weeks.

    The Library reserves the right to refuse displays that are awkward to display or take up disproportionate space. Displays from outside organizations are allowed only in the front entrance vestibule. Items to be posted/distributed must not be in violation of any federal, state or local laws. The Library will relocate, rearrange, and remove materials as it chooses. Displays posted without permission will be removed.

    Approved 10/2023


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