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sun shining through spring greenery at the Tenafly Public Library

Museum Passes

Tenafly Museum Pass Program is brought to you by the Friends of the Tenafly Library (Tenafly residents only).


Tenafly Library Friends logo with a tree and an open book. Text says Tenafly friends and Support our lbrary!

General Information

  • Tenafly residents only

  • You may reserve a museum pass up to 10 days in advance. 

  • One museum pass may be checked out per library account at any given time.

  • Passes must be checked out and returned to the Tenafly Public Library only. 

  • Some museums ask you to present your library card as well as the pass.

  • Physical passes are checked out for 2 days only and must be returned to the Tenafly Library only.


  • Follow this link for information on our Museum Pass Program Policie

We are using new museum pass reservation system. We hope you will find the new system easy to use and apologize in advance for any errors that occur due to the transition.


You need to use your library account password to make a reservation.

Please call the library at 201-568-8680 if you have questions or need help making a reservation.

Liberty Science Center logo

Tenafly Library has become a Liberty Science Center library partner.

Liberty Science Center is committed to inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers through fun, interactive science and technology exhibits. 


No pass required but bring your valid Tenafly Library card with you when you visit to receive a $3.00 discount on walk up admission fee. Discount applies to the cardholder and cannot be combined with any other offer.

Print from Home Passes

logo for the Children's Museum of Manhattan
Logo for the Frick Collection Text says: closed for renovations, scheduled repopening April 2025
logo for the Intrepid Sea Air and Space Museum
Logo for the New York HIstorical Society

Pick Up/Return Passessses

logo for the Montclair Art Museum
logo for the Morris Museum
logo for the Museum of Modern Art
logo for the Newark Museum of Art
Logo for the Storm King Art Center. Text says closed for winter

Tips for new users:

  • You need your library account number and password to reserve a pass. â€‹

  • Click on "Learn more" under each museum pass for details such as number of admissions permitted by each pass.​

  • Click on the question mark at the top of the museum pass reservation page for tips on using the reservation system.​

  • A printer icon by the name of the pass indicates the pass is a print from home pass.

  • For pick up/return passes only: make reservation to pick up the pass for the day before you want to visit the museum. You must pick up the pass on your reservation day. We will not hold the pass past your requested pick up date.

  • For print-from-home passes only: Reserve the pass for the day you wish to visit the museum. You do not need to  come to the library to pick up or return a print-from-home pass. If you do not have a printer, we can print the pass for you. Call the library at 201-568-8680 for help printing a pass.

  • If the bar for the museum is "grey", no passes are available on that day​​

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