Tenafly Library Friends
Manhattan Short Film Festival
The 2024 finalists have been announced!
The ten finalists will screen simultaneously across the world during a one-week period, with the Best Film and Best Actor awards determined by ballots cast by the audiences in each participating venue. By virtue of their selection by MANHATTAN SHORT, each short film is automatically Oscar-qualified.
The 2024 MANHATTAN SHORT Final Ten are:
The Talent (UK)
I'm Not a Robot (The Netherlands)
Mother (Ukraine)
Dovecote (Italy)
Pathological (USA)
Alarms (France)
Favourites (Australia)
The Man Who Could Not Remain Silent (Croatia)
Room Taken (Ireland)
Jane Austen's Period Drama (USA)
Gold Medal Winner 2023: The Stupid Boy (UK) directed by Phil Dunn
Best Actor 2023: Aleks Mikic from Voice Activated (Australia)
Sunday Concerts
2024-2025 concert schedule Sundays 2pm
​more will be added
October 20: Alex Prizgintas
November 3: The Mark Brandenburg Trio. Featuring vocalist Dale Healy
December 8: Mel’s Jazz zone
No registration required.
Concerts take place in the Edna Kawulitzki Art Gallery of the Tenafly Public Library. Concerts are free of charge and seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Mel's Jazz Zone concert is presented in honor of Murray Slochover and funded with a generous donation by Dr. Louis Mandel of Tenafly.
Join the Tenafly Library Friends
Your annual membership fee and donation helps the library provide programs and services such as:
The Sunday Afternoon Concert Series
Museum Pass program
High School Scholarships
Student Atlas Donations
Manhattan Short Film Festival
Special children's programming including Summer Reading
Tuesday Matinee Movies
Fall Apple Cider Social
... and much more!
Levels of membership:
$15 individual, $25 dual, $40 family, $50 supporter, $100 benefactor, $100+ patron.
To join by mail complete this form, make your check payable to Tenafly Library Friends and send to:
The Tenafly Library Friends
c/o The Tenafly Public Library
100 Riveredge Road
Tenafly, NJ 07670
Whether helping sort donation books for our book sale, representing the Friends at Community Functions, or organizing and hosting our Sunday afternoon concert series, volunteers help with tasks large and small.
All Friends members are welcome to attend our monthly meetings which are usually held on Monday evenings at 7 pm. Check the library's event calendar for the next meeting date.
For more information about the Tenafly Library Friends, send an email to tenaflylibraryfriends@gmail.com
Our newest LFL is located in Griffin Park near the playground swings. It's filled with children's books for your reading pleasure. Take a book home or read while taking a break from play.
Pick up some free books and start reading! We've placed a Little Free Library at the bus stop on the corner of Piermont and Hillside, across from the Tenafly Classic Diner. Visitors are encouraged to take a book as they pass by!